Crewing Division Manager
Rocio “Rochi” Montoya was born in Córdoba, Argentina, and raised in the resort town and capitol of Tierra Del Fuego, Ushuaia. Before joining Delver Agents in 2022 as Crewing Division Manager, she worked at a social security office while taking on various informal jobs to support herself during her time at university.
Though she already boasts a History degree with an emphasis on Asian and African studies, she is currently pursuing an additional degree in Tourism Resource Management.
Her favorite part of working with Delver is having the opportunity to connect with the unique cultures and perspectives of a diverse client base while upholding universal values of common empathy.
How does she help deliver Delver’s mission of providing excellent customer service? “Continuous learning and skill development is the priority,” she says. “By staying informed and empathetic I’m able to build strong client relationships, which in turn helps to foster a supportive, respectful work environment.”
In her spare time, Rochi enjoys reading, traveling, learning new languages, and exploring nature with her family.
Invoicing Division Manager
According to Jimena, every day presents a new opportunity to fulfill her clients’ needs. “We are constantly striving to improve our performance,” she says. “Our invoicing department is always meeting new challenges, and we continually look for ways to guarantee better service. Our clients understand this and know they can rely on us.”
When she’s not responding to the evolving accounting needs of her clients, Jimena enjoys reading, going to the movies, playing video games, walking, and riding her bike. She is also a huge fan of sports and music, and finds her home of Ushuaia perfect for both.
Warehouse Division Manager
Facundo “Facu” Couto was born in Ushuaia, Argentina, then moved to Buenos Aires with his family at the age of four. Soon after elementary school he returned to Ushuaia, where he continued to live out his childhood and eventually got his first job at a TV agency. Shortly after his 19th birthday in 2013, he joined Sealand Agents and Suppliers, which soon became Delver Agents—where he currently works as Warehouse Division Manager.
Throughout his professional life, Facundo has always brought an uncompromising commitment to personal responsibility, a trait he displays daily through his work with Delver. “I work hard to find new ways to deliver the best customer service possible,” he says. “It’s import to make our clients feel comfortable, knowing they’re well taken care of.”
Facundo’s favorite parts of the job are the new challenges each day presents and having the opportunities to satisfy the requests of Delver’s diverse client base, no matter how great or small.
When he’s not managing Delver’s Warehouse Division, you can find Facundo spending leisure time with friends, playing football, fishing, and enjoying all the beautiful nature Ushuaia and the surrounding area have to offer.
Shipments Division Manager
Lucas and his team work diligently to meet the ever-evolving needs of their Ushuaia customers. “Every day and every season present new challenges, and we are always working to find new and better solutions,” he says. “It’s a constant learning experience.”
“It’s all about the people,” Lucas adds. “We have an incredible team that works very hard to fulfill every need, no matter where or when, and always with a smile.”
When he’s not serving the need of Ushuaia’s marine customers, you can find Lucas playing football, watching movies, or hanging out with friends.
Administration General Manager
Pablo’s favorite part of Delver is being part of any collaborative team that contributes to the optimization of an administrative process. He takes great pride in his work, saying “I love walking down the street in uniform knowing I’m an important part of one of the most significant maritime agencies in the region.”
He beams when discussing his son, Pedro. “He’s a great kid with excellent values, an exemplary student, and a wonderful friend to his friends,” he says. Pablo enjoys going to the movies, dining out, and taking relaxing walks. When he’s not representing Delver in Ushuaia, Argentina, he spends most of his time at home in Seattle spending quality time with his family.
Suppliers Division Manager
Nicolas manages Delver’s Department of Maritime Provisions, which includes the purchasing and sale of merchandise, forging long-lasting relationships with customers, and leading the office and warehouse teams.
Nicolas is proud of his responsibility to the shipping needs of Ushuaia’s people. “As I always tell my team,” he says, “there’s no better feeling than signing off on the shipping and supplies documentation and saying goodbye to a satisfied customer after a full day’s work, relaxed in knowing you’ve met their every logistics need.”
He has two children, Mattias (22 yrs.) and Milla (13 yrs.). In his free time, Nicolas enjoys cooking, reading, playing basketball, soccer, and tennis, and sailing the Beagle Channel every chance he gets. He currently lives in Bahia Blanca with his family.
General Division Manager
German understands the importance of providing an array of services to meet the evolving needs of ships along the port of Ushuaia. “We are not just ship agents,” German explains. “Our clients must determine their logistic needs in a short time, and we must stay focused in order to provide the best and most timely solutions for them.”
German loves his work, and the pier has become his “second home” over the years. When he’s not developing or supervising logistics programs, however, you can find him in Puerto Madryn, spending time at home with family and friends or coaching at the Rugby Club, where he played as a child.
Operations Division Manager
Josefina’s title includes the jobs of both Customs Broker and Customs Transport Agent, and as such she’s learned the value of versatility and flexibility. “Although there are different departments with different demands, they are all related,” she explains. “If one fails, we all fail. That is why we’re so committed to teamwork above all else.”
The building of solid client relationships is Josefina’s favorite part of the job. Many of her clients have become friends, which she now considers part of her extended Delver Agents family.
In her free time, Josefina enjoys traveling, hiking around Ushuaia, and spending quality time with her family and her dog.
Ship Chandler Lead
“Our clients come from different countries all around the world, and I’m always excited to get to know them as well as their varied cultures, traditions, and life experiences,” Richard boasts. “We develop relationships that transcend the work itself.”
Richard loves the problem solving that comes with the job. Whether it’s optimizing the day-to-day tasks or addressing emergencies, running a smooth operation remains his main focus. “Having an excellent team working together towards the same goal is what makes achieving our objective possible,” he adds.
A sports-lover, Richard played football at the university level and still plays weekly. He also enjoys hiking through all of the beautiful sites Ushuaia and the surrounding area have to offer. Additionally, he plays guitar and sings, though “not all that well,” he admits.
Operations Supervisor
He enjoyed a 25-year career in foreign trade with customs broker company Rio Grande Tierra del Fuego before moving to Sealand Shipping Agents and Suppliers in 2016. Shortly thereafter he joined with Delver Agents, first as a shipping manager and then with the Board of Directors. He since has settled into his current focus of work as Logistics Lead.
Martin admires the passion and commitment he sees from his team every day. “My favorite part of the job,” he says, “is the satisfaction of meeting each day’s objectives in every facet of our operation.”
He currently lives with his girlfriend in Ushuaia, with whom he shares a passion for traveling the world.
Managing Director
Vero received her bachelor’s degree in Natural Science & Human Arts, and her advanced technical law degree from Argentinian Catholic University. She also has a licensed degree in International Commerce and is trained in Environmental Management and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
About her work, Vero says: “My favorite part is being able to learn from our clients, develop and implement solutions, grow our businesses together, and make a difference in their day by giving them the highest level of service and proving our dedication to meet their goals and deliver superior results. I also cherish knowing that the business our clients do with us will make a positive impact in the communities we work in; they will provide jobs and income to our vendors, as well as our staff and all of those that are touched by our operations.”
Vero currently lives in Seattle, WA with her husband and four children: big huggers who love to travel together.